Wednesday Wants: Summer Beauty Essentials

Summer Beauty Essentials 2016

Summer is here in San Francisco, but it’s not hot, hot, hot! On one hand, I’m lucky that I’m not stifled by humid air and dewy by the time I get to the office. But, there are (many) days where I wish that I could just wear a dress to work without getting goosebumps. But I guess having an SF summer means that my beauty routine doesn’t have to drastically change or lighten up. Here are this summer’s beauty essentials, in order from left to right, top to bottom.

Josie Maran Argan Daily Moisturizer, SPF 45: Having an oily t-zone means that you look sweaty by the middle of the day, regardless of whether you worked out or not.I can’t recommend this for a visit to the beach, but I can recommend it for daily city venturing and in-office wear. It’s lightweight, moisturizing and has a pleasant fragrance to boot.

Belif, The True Cream Moisturizing Bomb: My love for Belif has been documented already and it’s definitely not coming to an end anytime soon. I’ve been using this moisturizer every night and my skin is baby smooth in the morning and hasn’t felt cracked or dry at any moment.

Balm Dotcom by Glossier: Another repeat appearance of this beauty essentials, but it really is the cure-all for anything chapped or uber-dry. I use it exclusively on my lips and all I have to do is apply it once a day—it’s that good.

Boy Brow by Glossier: Alright, you might be thinking by now that this is just recycled content because of another repeat appearance from Glossier. I have been #blessed and #cursed with thick brows and Boy Brow tames up the ever-increasing bald spots and keeps them in place all day.

Florence by Tocca: If you ever meet my mom, she’ll probably tell you the story of how we went to Sephora, I sprayed on too much of this and then she was stuck in a small car with me for the rest of the day. I guess if that’s the most embarrassing story she can tell, I can consider myself lucky. Filled with my favorite  notes of jasmine, tuberose and gardenia, it’s the ideal scent if you’re looking for something a little woodsy and a little floral.

P.S. You can still get 20% off at Glossier with this link here!